Perhaps you know by now that the awesome free picture editing service is going over to Google+ with some of their strongest tools. I don’t think it will be the same:(
I will miss picnik very much as I use it often and got used to the easy and fun options to bring life and professionalism into my pictures (at least I think they looked more professional {smiley face}).
picture edited with befunky!
Here are some free alternatives for editing:
Adobe Spark
Thanks for this list! It’s been hard to wean myself off Picnik, but I’ve been trying to explore the other options. So far I’ve tried Fotoflexr. It’s…okay. :oP Your list has some that I haven’t heard of yet so I will be trying those as well. Thanks again!
Thanks for sharing these sites! I’ve only ever heard of two of them. Lol. I will miss picnik as well. 🙁
I always use gimp. Might be a bit intimidating in the beginning but it is actually very easy to use. 🙂 meetthegimp has nice tutorial videos aswell.
I use picasa and google+ and I love picnik, so I am a happy camper:) but my daughter really likes photobucket and I have tried gimp with etsy and I liked that too.
Ive been mentally preparing myself for the ants to take over 🙁 I dont think their google+ version is nearly as detailed or user friendly. Time to start stalking other sites, thanks for the recommendations!
Thanks so much for sharing this list! I knew of a few, but after looking at each of them, I found a few that I like, that I had never heard of! I am so bummed Picnik is going away, but hopefully one of these, or someone new, will realize the void and step with something equal or maybe even better ! 🙂 Thanks again! is another. You download it and it can do everything that photoshop can, but I find it WAY easier to use and understand.